Individuals — PERRINE

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Antje Perrine
Antje Stryker
Antje Perrine
about 1708
317 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
11 about 1749
276 41 Millstone, Somerset, New Jersey
Tuesday, December 26, 2017 7:08 AM
Antje Perrine
Antje Stryker
Antje Perrine
about 1708
317 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
11 about 1749
276 41 Millstone, Somerset, New Jersey
Tuesday, December 26, 2017 7:08 AM
Daniel Perrine
about 1642
383 Isle Of Jersey, France
8 September 6, 1719
305 77 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
Daniel Perrine
about 1705
320 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
0 Never
Daniel Perrine
353 New Drop, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
0 1745
280 73 New Drop, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
Elizabeth Perrine
about 1648
377 Isle Of Jersey, France
0 Never
Francynite Perrine
350 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
0 1730
295 55 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
Henry Perrine
356 New Drop, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
6 1765
260 96 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
Henry Perrine
about 1680
345 New York, New York
1 Never
James Perrine
355 New Drop, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
0 1745
280 75 Richmond, Staten Island, New York
Jean Perrine
about 1639
386 Isle Of Jersey, France
0 Never
John Perrine
about 1690
335 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
0 1779
246 89 Perrinville, Monmouth, New Jersey
Maria Perrine
after 1699
326 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
0 Never
Peter Perrine
about 1703
322 Staten Island, Richmond, New York
0 November 13, 1756
268 53 Matchaponix, Monmouth County, New Jersey
Saturday, December 22, 2012 10:13 PM
Peter Perrine
358 New Drop, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
0 1741
284 74 New Drop, Staten Island, Richmond, New York
Pierre Perrine
410 Rhone, Lyons, France
5 Never
Pierre Perrine
about 1644
381 Isle Of Jersey, France
0 Never
Poncette Perrine
about 1644
381 Isle Of Jersey, France
0 Never