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1763: Egle says:"John Sloan, warrent for a track of land in 1749, in Donegal twp,; a resurvey was made in 1763, at which time the was desceased, leaving a wife Jean and the following children: i. Alexander, ii. Archibald, iii. Mary, iv.Margaret, m. Archibald Sloan, v. Elizabeth ********************* 1771: Mentioned in his uncle Samuel's will: "I do thereby give and bequeath unto Arsbold Sloan three pounds my Brother John Sloan eldest son" ********************* 26 Feb 1778: Made entry #99 for 200 acre track in Washington Co. NC. located near the Big Spring on the War Path ********************* Nov 1784: Land entry #648 for 200 acres on Lick Creek near the Walnut Valley adjacent his former entry. ********************* Nov. 1786: mentioned again in vic of Holston River. ********************* 1791: Land entry #968 for 640 acres adjoining own land. ********************* 7 Apr 1792: Archibald Sloan to John Tadlock for 400 acres of land and was duly proven in Court by the oath of Charles Robinson and admitted to record. ********************* 23 Dec 1794: Archibald Sloan to Abil Morgan for 200 acres more or less was duly proven in court by the oath of Gabriel Blackburn...11s paid." ********************* 10 Mar & 20 Sep 1797: Witness for James Sloan purchase of 1000 acres for $333.33 from Patrick Jack of Franklin Co. PA. Land on south side of Tenn. River on Richland Creek. William Sloan also a witness. *********************

Archibald Sloan made entry #99 for one of the earliest land grants in Tn. This was 26 Feb 1778 when all of Tn. was part of Washington Co. NC. Archibald was not able to take immediate possession of theland on Nine Mile Creek. The 200 acre tractwas located near the Big Spring on the War Path (a prominent Indian trail). The entry was revoked the same year because it was situated on Indian land and a treaty had not been negotiated yet.

Archibald bought 200 acres of land [entry #648] adjacent his former entry on Lick creek near the Walnut valley in Nov 1784, he was mentioned again in vic of Holston River in Nov. 1786 and he had 640 acres [entry #968] adjoining own land in 1791possibly all the same farm. This was all listed as Washington Co. NC/TN. later to become Greene Co. Tn. Knox Co. & Blount Co. Tn. were later formed from Greene Co. All this makes it difficult to determine where Archibald's farm(s) were actuallylocated and when he moved to his original entry in Blount Co. Lick creek appears to be located in what is now Greene Co. Tn.

Archibald's farm on Nine Mile Creek was not surveyed until 10 Aug 1782 when his sons William & John served as chainbearers and sons Alexander, William & John had neighboring adjacent farms. In 1787? Archibald receive a passport to enter Cherokeelands and remove his belongings, this would have been from his Nine Mile Creek farm. In 1788 when the Cherokee were on the rampage Sloans were listed as one of the families in the Houston's station when it came under attack. Houston's Stationwas located on Nine Mile Creek near the Sloan farms. Archibald did not actually get clear title to his Grant [#1072] until 27 Nov 1793. ******* Tennessee Passports John Cowan, Robert Cowan, Archibald Trimble, William Adams, James Montgomery, Hugh Montgomery, James Montgomery Junr., Alexander Montgomery, William Hutton, Josiah Hutton, Archibald Slone, William Slone, James Martin, James Gealy, DavidEdmonson, William Condren, & Samuel Handley. Obtained passports to pass and repass unmolested over the boundary line between the United States, and the Cherokee indians for the porpose of removing their stocks and provisions from the indian lands - 4th April 1798 ******* We know that Archibald is dead when son James reports as administrator 1 Jul 1800. James makes settlement, gives inventory and names people owing the estate. James states that there may be more peopleowing but he needs to check with his fathersfriends in Greene Co. {info from Parham no copy on hand}. On 14 Aug 1805 the "legatees" of Archibald Sloan get together and split the 200 acre farm between David and Robert, the other heirs named were John, William, Alexander, and James Sloanplus Culinius Miller, James Boyd, David Brown and Andrew Jackson. ****************** Jun 1998: Carolyn C. Snider says:"A friend of mind, here in Monroe County, TN, said that her family (Griffith) always claimed that they were related to the Sloans. Her uncle said that Arch Sloan married a Griffith prior to the two familiesmoving to what is now TN. I have not been able to prove this, but I do know that Arch Sloan & Elisha Griffith were very good friends during the 1800's. ****************** 22 Apr 99: I believe our Archibald Sloan was b. bef 1744 in Lancaster Co. PA. or Europe, and is the son of John & Jane Sloan of Donegal twp, Lancaster Co. PA. He is mentioned in Uncle Samuel's will in1771, went to the "Great West" & was neverheard from again. Maybe he was ticked that he only received 3 £ from his uncle Samuel, the plantation went to his 1st cousin, Archibald Sloan, son of Samuel's sister, Elizabeth Sloan) {F. E. Mitchell} ********************

Sources: 1. "History of Blount County Tennessee 1795-1955", by Inez E. Burns, 1957, pg 13. She ref: Ramsey, Annals,175; Haywood, 70; John Carter's Entry Book, Tn. State Archives, Nashville, Tn. 2. "North Carolina Land Grants Recorded in Greene County, Tn." by Goldene Fillers Burgner, title pg w/o date, pg 2,10,103 & 123. Entry #648 & #968 listed in "North Carolina Land Grants in Tn. 1776-1791" by Betty Cartwright & Lillian JohnsonGardiner, 1958, pg 15 & 22. 3. "Annals of Tennessee" by J.G.M. Ramsey, title pg. w/o date, pg 370. The story of Houston's station masacre is also retold in the "History of New Providence Church Maryville, Tn. 1786-1921" by Will A. McTeer, 1921 pg 16. Co. Tn. See narrativefor more detailed information. 4. "Will Parham papers" East Tn. Historical Society, Knoxville Tn. 5. "Governor Sevier papers" Tn. State Archives [Intruder Passport] see also "Passports of Southeastern Pioneers 1770-1823" by Dorothy Williams Potter, pub. by Clearfield pg 330-331 6. Blount Co. Tn. Land Records, Maryville, Tn. 7. 1982 research of Anna M. Sloan, Box 2788, Agana, Guam 96910 8. Egle's Notes and Queries, Vol. ??, by William Henry Egle, 1895?. Page 154, Interesting Notes, "From the Records of the Land Department - IV" [father, mother, siblings] 9. Greene Co. Tn. research of Lisa "amoplady" [some deed info]

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Archibald Sloan
before 1747
278 Susquehanna, Susquehanna, PA
11 about 1800
225 53 Nine Mile Creek, Blount County, Tennessee, USA
Saturday, December 22, 2012 7:16 PM
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