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Michael was born of English parentage. When he was a young man he went to the state of Ohia where he met and married Eleanot. They then went to INana, making the trip on horseback. He purchaseda farm near East Enterprise, IN and spentthe remaINr of his ;ife there. After Eleanor died, he married Susan. Three of their sons (Joseph, James, and Jack) were triplets. All of his children married in the state of INans. His farm was always owned by a direct Descendent. the last known owner was Alger Dunning, a great grandson. The date is not known. (from "The Hicks and Puckett Family History" compiled by John VanCamp his great great grandson in 1986)

Last change December 22, 201219:25:47

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Michael Dunning
234 Orange, New York
18 1848
177 57 East Enterprise, IN
Saturday, December 22, 2012 7:26 PM
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
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