NOTERALPH:CONT | received orders to report with 13 men to Ramsour's Mill in Lincoln |
NOTERALPH:CONT | County. On Sunday morning, June 18, 1780, he, along with Davidson, |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Sharpe, Falls and Houston joined other troops from the Catawba Valley. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | The Tories outnumber them 3 to 1, but a retreat would encourage the |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Tories. They decided to march throughout the night and surprise the |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Tories at daybreak. At the end of fierce fighting, some with swords, |
NOTERALPH:CONT | about 70 were lost by the Patriots, including George and Andrew Davidson |
NOTERALPH:CONT | and Capt. John Sloan. A simple marker designates the graves of those who |
NOTERALPH:CONT | fell on the Battle of Ramsour's Mill. on Jun 20, 1780. Six Whig |
NOTERALPH:CONT | captains, including Capt. John Sloan, were buried at the site in Lincoln |
NOTERALPH:CONT | ********************* |
NOTERALPH:CONT | John Sloan's will ** |
NOTERALPH:CONT | ********************* |
NOTERALPH:CONT | IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I John Sloan of the County of Rowan of State of |
NOTERALPH:CONT | North Carolina being in Health of Body and of perfect mind and memory, |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Thanks Thanks be given unto God,, calling unto mind the Mortality of my |
NOTERALPH:CONT | body, & knowing that it is appointed for men once to die, Do make an |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Ordain this my last Will & Testament. That is to say, principally and |
NOTERALPH:CONT | first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the hand of Almighty God |
NOTERALPH:CONT | that giveth, and recommend my body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried |
NOTERALPH:CONT | in a decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing |
NOTERALPH:CONT | doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall have the same again, by |
NOTERALPH:CONT | the mighty power of God. And s touching such worldly Estate wherewith |
NOTERALPH:CONT | it has please god to bless me in this Life, I give devise and dispose of |
NOTERALPH:CONT | the same in the following Manner: & Form. First, I will that all my |
NOTERALPH:CONT | lawful debts be carefully discharged. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Second, I give and bequeath to Mary my dearly beloved wife, one bay mare |
NOTERALPH:CONT | called Phenia, and Sorrel Mare, three milk cows, one heifer & two stears, |
NOTERALPH:CONT | taking her choice, all the sheep and Hogs together with all my household |
NOTERALPH:CONT | goods, and Plantation utensils, & their thirds of the plantation while she |
NOTERALPH:CONT | lives unmarried. allowing her to keep the children and school them, |
NOTERALPH:CONT | having them taught to read, right & Cypher xxxxxx, but if she marries, I |
NOTERALPH:CONT | will the children to be put to trades, such as they may choose, under |
NOTERALPH:CONT | good guardians Masters & Mistresses, the boys to serve until eighteen & |
NOTERALPH:CONT | no longer, and the girls until fifteen years of age & no longer and her |
NOTERALPH:CONT | right to the plantation then to be void and none Effect. And only one |
NOTERALPH:CONT | third of --- sheep, hogs, Household goods and Plantation utensils to be |
NOTERALPH:CONT | her property, with her saddle and bridle, the other two thirds to be |
NOTERALPH:CONT | equally divided amongst the children I also wish her to a sixth part of |
NOTERALPH:CONT | my books, ------- to be her property forever. I give to my well beloved |
NOTERALPH:CONT | son Archibald, my lot of Book in the Grammer School, & the sixth part of |
NOTERALPH:CONT | my other books, together with the choice of the spring colts & that Entry |
NOTERALPH:CONT | of land where Jane ---- they now live with all my Clothes, a rifle gun & |
NOTERALPH:CONT | the new saddle & Bridle when finished & one hundred --- pounds lawful |
NOTERALPH:CONT | money of this state to carry him on in his learning, also I give to my |
NOTERALPH:CONT | well beloved sons Jonn & Jeremiah my Lot of Books, in fourth creek |
NOTERALPH:CONT | ------- (lawful money of the state to carry on in their learning.) New |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Library with their equal part of the other Books, and the plantation on |
NOTERALPH:CONT | which I Dwell, to be Divided equally between them, if it cannot be |
NOTERALPH:CONT | divided, into two places, in that case three honest men are to be |
NOTERALPH:CONT | chosen, to value said Land, at the time it falls in their hands, & John |
NOTERALPH:CONT | must pay Jeremiah half of the value and take all the Land for his part: |
NOTERALPH:CONT | but if any of the boys die before their Estate comes in their hands, their |
NOTERALPH:CONT | part shall be equal divided betwixt the surviving Brothers; I give the |
NOTERALPH:CONT | smooth Bore to John & my sword to Jeremiah, and a xxxxxx of Bus (?) to |
NOTERALPH:CONT | each of them, and I give my Sun Dial to John.. also I give my well |
NOTERALPH:CONT | beloved daughters, Margaret & Mary the other two sixth part of my Books, |
NOTERALPH:CONT | together with one hundred pounds each, lawful money of this state, to be |
NOTERALPH:CONT | raised & levied out of my Estate. Also I will that the House creatures & |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Meat Cattle, not herein bequeathed, be sold & that sum thence arising, |
NOTERALPH:CONT | with my other debts to Repay the xxxxxmoney herein mentioned & the |
NOTERALPH:CONT | remainder equally divided amongst all my children; I likewise constitute |
NOTERALPH:CONT | and make and ordain Mary my dearly beloved wife Executrix, Patrick J. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Archibald Sloan executor of this my last Will and Testament, And I dl |
NOTERALPH:CONT | hereby utterly disallow, revoke, & disannul all and every other former |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Testament, Wills, Legacies, Request and executed by me in my ways before |
NOTERALPH:CONT | - named willed and bequeath, ratifying and confirming this and not other |
NOTERALPH:CONT | to be My last Will and Testament. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal, this Seventh Day |
NOTERALPH:CONT | of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Seventy-nine. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Signed, Sealed published, pronounced, by the said John Sloan, as his last |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his Presence and in the |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | William Sharpe |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Jacob Sharpe |
NOTERALPH:CONT | NB. What ever tools of any kind I have, I allow to be divided amongst |
NOTERALPH:CONT | the three boys, & kept for the use of the family, until some of the boys |
NOTERALPH:CONT | come of age & want their part --- Excepting the loom &lacklinger I give |
NOTERALPH:CONT | to Mary my beloved wife for ever ----- I also allow my watch & Gold & |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Silver I have to be sold at Publick sale & divided among the children- |
NOTERALPH:CONT | whatever kind of grain Flax Hay or fodder, I leave for the support of the |
NOTERALPH:CONT | family & stock, and none to be sold unless my wife sees fit to do so. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Will proved Feb 1780 |
NOTERALPH:CONT | [NOTE: This will was transcribed as accurately as possible from another |
NOTERALPH:CONT | transcription, I have not seen the original will. F.E.M. 1996] John was |
NOTERALPH:CONT | age 39 when he wrote the will, he was killed 9 months later at the Battle |
NOTERALPH:CONT | of Ramsour's Mill. Son Archibald was 13 at the time the will was |
NOTERALPH:CONT | written, and dau, Anna, was not born yet.] |
NOTERALPH:CONT | ************************************************************************** |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Pension application of wife Mary: |
NOTERALPH:CONT | a. Memorial of Mary Sloan of Iredell Co. NC, widow of Capt. John Sloan, |
NOTERALPH:CONT | praying that a pension be allowed her on the basis of the Revolutionary |
NOTERALPH:CONT | War services of her deceased husband. Her husband went into the NC |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Militia service as a Private in 1775 as noted in a letter from him, dated |
NOTERALPH:CONT | 14 Dec 1775 at Camp broad River, and another letter, dated 25 Dec 1775 at |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Duncan's Creek, SC. In 1779, governor Caswell appointed said Sloan a |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Captain, and he remained in service until 20 June 1789, when he was |
NOTERALPH:CONT | killed in a battle with the Tories at Ramsour's Mill in Lincoln Co. NC. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | The memorialist is in possession of a discharge certificate for her |
NOTERALPH:CONT | husband, dated 24 Mar 1780 at Charleston and signed by Col. Andrew |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Mary rec'd pension $100/yr in 1833?. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | 1. Monita Horn's letters |
NOTERALPH:CONT | 2. Will dated 7 Aug 1779, Rowan Co. NC. Proved Feb 1780 [transcript on |
NOTERALPH:CONT | 3. "The Heritage of Iredell County", Genealogical society of Iredell Co. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | NC. 1980, Article #581, Capt. John Sloan by Ralph Sloan & Article #582, |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Captain John Sloan, by Monita Horn. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | 4. McCubbins collection: Rowan Library Salisbury NC. |
NOTERALPH:CONT | 5. 1768 Rowan Co. Tax list |
NOTERALPH:CONT | 6. NC Gen. Soc. Journal Feb 92, pg 39 [Pension claim info] subref: GASR |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Nov. 1834 to Jan 1835, Box 4: 2nd folder "HR Nov. 1834 to Jan. 1835" and |
NOTERALPH:CONT | GASR Nov 1836 - Jan 1837, Box 3: folder "HR 25 Nov - 16 Dec 1836" |
NOTERALPH:CONT | 7. Patrick Sloan memo |
NOTERALPH:CONT | 8. Marriage Licence Index for Rowan Co. NC., pg 202. [dpom, spouse] |
NOTERALPH:CONT | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Bride: Mary Green |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Groom: John Sloan |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Bond Date: 23 Dec 1765 |
NOTERALPH:CONT | County: Rowan |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Record #: 02 403 |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Bondsman: Robert Johnston |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Witness: Thomas Frohock |
NOTERALPH:CONT | Bond #: 000129414 |