NOTE1:CONT | lve with two brothers. Immigration records show a Robert Ramsey arriving at Potomac, Montgomery County, MD, USA in 1729, a date matching his birth year of 1716. |
NOTE1:CONT | NOTE: Robert's parents and siblings are not confirmed. He is believed to be from Scotland with possible lineage to Simu |
NOTE1:CONT | Ramesie who left his native Ramsey, Huntingdonshire, England home in 1175 settling on lands in Midlothian, Scotla |
NOTE1:CONT | granted to him by David I. The recorded parents and siblings are only possible according to his birth year and fami |
NOTE1:CONT | tradition of his immigration to America with two brothers. There are others born 1716 in Scotlan but not with brothe |
NOTE1:CONT | that could have come to America with Robert. |
NOTE1:CONT | 2. Robert, his wife Janet, six sons and one daughter removed from Pennsylvania in 1766 to North Carolina settling in Rowan, now Iredell, County on the south branch of Lambert's Creek near the Catawba River. He purchased 640 acres for £40,about $200.00. This homestead is located about five miles west of Mooresville and about eight miles north of what was Torrence's Tavern, now Mt. Mourne. The old home, built before the Revolutionary War, was reported still standing indocumentation dated between 1904 and 1915 and occupied at that time by a descendant. At that time it was the only survivor of any of the Colonial residences which had been built within the boundaries of the Centre Congregation. His first homewas a cabin located just east of a spring, which at the turn of the century was still serving the Colonial home located just west of the spring. Family tradition has it that the family built the cabin the day they arrived and slept in it thatnight. |
NOTE1:CONT | 3. Robert was one of the early settlers in the bounds of Centre Congregation in Iredell (earlier Rowan) County. The family brought with them the following quoted church certificate (several references to this certificate have been found): |
NOTE1:CONT | "These are to certify that the bearers, Robert Ramsey and his wife Janet, hath lived within the bounds of this congregation |
NOTE1:CONT | these many years by past, during which time they have behaved themselves in a sober Christian manner, and have had the |
NOTE1:CONT | benefit of church privileges. Likewise his sons, James, William, David and John Ramsey, being young single men, have |
NOTE1:CONT | behaved themselves soberly all their time, free from any irregularities or church censure, known to our session, and may be |
NOTE1:CONT | admitted to any society wherever it shall please God and His providence to direct them. |
NOTE1:CONT | Given at New London in Chester County, Pennsylvania Province, and subscribed October 10, 1766. |
NOTE1:CONT | Signed by order, |
NOTE1:CONT | Wm. Montgomery, Ses. Clerk" |
NOTE1:CONT | Robert had three other children not mentioned in the certificate, probably because they were too young at the time: Robert, Elizabeth and Andrew (in order of birth). He was a Presbyterian and his descendants were invariably members of thatchurch. |
NOTE1:CONT | 4. Robert's gravestone is inscribed: |
NOTE1:CONT | "Here lies the body of Robert Ramsay, who descended Jan. 5th, 1784, aged 68 years." |
NOTE1:CONT | Robert may have changed the spelling of the family name from Ramsey, as recorded in the previously mentioned immigration records and the 1766 church certificate, to Ramsay as inscribed on his gravestone. Other records for his children howevercontinue the Ramsey spelling for the next generation. before Ramsay is prevalent in records for the following generation. |
NOTE1:CONT | This individual was found on GenCircles at: |
NOTE1:CONT | SOUR @08177393@ |