NOTEWILL:CONT | I being weak in body but sound in judgement and memory and calling to mind that it is appointed for all men once to die I therefore recommend by Soul to God that gave it hoping to receive the same again at the resurrection and my body to bedecently interred at the discretion of my Executors herein after mentioned. And now as to my worldly substance I do divide as followeth I do thereby give and bequeath unto Arsbold SLOAN three pounds my Brother John SLOAN eldest son and to myBrother James SLOAN ten pounds to be paid three years after my decease I do give and bequeath unto my Brother Arsbold SLOAN thirty pounds to be paid two years after my decease and I do hereby give and bequeath unto Arsbold SLOAN all myPlantation that I now live and adjoining to Swatara Creek and John Winter and Samuel His that is to say Arsbold SLOAN the only son of my sister Elizabeth SLOAN with all my right and title unto the aforesaid Plantation unto the said Arsbold SLOANand unto his Hirs and assigns for evere, and he the said Arsbold SLOAN is to pay the sums before mentioned and the sums after mentioned and I do hereby give and bequeath unto my Sister Mary SLOAN three pounds but if she dies before her HusbandJames Mitchels Arsbald is not to pay said three pounds, and I do hereby give and bequeath unto my nice Elizabeth SLOAN my Brother William SLOANs Daughter Eight Pounds to be paid two years after my decease and I do hereby allow that all mypersonal estate be sold by my Executors to pay my debts and what remains to pay part of the Legacys before mentioned and I do hereby appoint and allow the Arsbold SLOAN and David Allen and John Campbell to be the Executors of this my last Willand Testament and I do hereby Disanul all wills that might be maid by me formarly in witness I have set my hand and Seal this 22nd Day of August 1771. |
NOTEWILL:CONT | Signed Sealed and Delived in the Presence of us |
NOTEWILL:CONT | William Young |
NOTEWILL:CONT | Adam Shally |
NOTEWILL:CONT | Samuel SLOAN, X his mark |
NOTEWILL:CONT | Will Proven 7 Nov 1771 |