
Book C, p. 70, Rowan County, North Carolina:


Archibald SLOAN, Sr., dated 28 July 1786, proved 1788


In the name of God Amen.

I Archibald Sloan Senior of the County of Rowan and State of North Carolina being of sound & perfect mind & memory blessed be God I do this twenty eight day of July 1786 in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred eighty six make andpublish this my last will & testament. Manner following namely First I

give and bequeath to my beloved wife Marget all my property of every description and denomination which is within the sate of North Carolina. Sec ond I give and bequeath to my beloved son in law Joseph Sharpe all the interest claim & demand thatI have or ought to have either by law or equity to a legacy coming to me from the Estate of the late Archibald Sloan deceased my father in Lancaster County and State of Pennsylvania, and all other interest which I have in the estate aforesaidand likewise all Legacies and other interest accruing to to me out of the Estate of my late brother Samuel deceased, late of the afoursaid County and State.

Thirdly I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved son in law Joseph Sharpe afoursaid my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the said Archibald Sloa n have to this my last w ill & testament set myhand & seal the day and year above written. Sign ed sealed published &

declared by the said Archibald Sloan the Testator in & for his last Wi ll & Testament in the presence of us who were present at the signing and Sealing

thereof …… Arch Sloan *seal*


Daniel McEwen

William Clements

William Robson