

State of Kentucky

Bourbon County ss


On this 28 day of Nov. 1833 Personally appeared before me, D. O. Rickart, a Justice and Judge of the County court for the county aforesaid, Henry Banta, residing in the county aforesaid, aforesaid aged 72 years on the 23d of January next. Hishaving first duly sworn and according to law doth make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed 7th of June 1832. That he entered the services of the United States under the following namedoffice3rs and served as herein stated.


He states he was born on the 23d day of January 1762 in the county of Sussex in the State of New Jersey. Lived there till twelve years, at that age he moved with his father to the State of Pennsylvania, York County. In this county he states helived till 18 years old. At this age he states he started to move to Kentucky, and having with difficulty reached Kentucky due to the great number of hostile savages which roamed the wilderness at that time. He stated that he moved in the fallof 1779 as he knows he was eighteen years old the January following. He states that the first place he proceeded to stop after reaching Kentucky was at Burgrass at the Dutch Station about seven miles from the falls of Ohio. After his arrivalat this place he states that much excitement existed at this time (which was in the month of April) 1780 (about the fifteenth).


Owing to the Indians having attacked some two or three of the forts situated in Kentucky it became necessary that every man in the state should perform active service. In the above month and day thereof (to whit 15th April 1780) he states hevolunteered in Captain Hill's Company Spies & Rangers, Lieutenant Samuel Welsh for a term of twelve months at the station above named determined to assist his countrymen in saving the innocent women and children from the tomahawk and scalpingknife. He accordingly was attached to the captain's company aforesaid of the fort by authoriy of an officer under the direction of the government to perform an expedition to the State of Ohio against the Indians at Pickaway in 1780. At thisplace we had a battle and killed some fifteen of the Indians and he thinks we lost about the same number. This expedition was performed under G. R. Clark as General. He states also continued under Hill as Captain. He states that the battletook place sometime in the month of Sept 1780. He states that so soon as the Battle was over or as soon as they could they returned back to station to guard as formerly under the command of the officers under whom he first volunteered. Andthere continued as guard, Spy & Ranger to protect the few inhabitants from the scourge of the ruthless savage until the Spring of 1781--having performed active service during one year from the time he entered the service until discharge by hisCaptain. But that he received no written discharge. During this year of service he says he was wounded in the shoulder very badly. From the Station above named, he says he went to the Dutch station Harrodsburgh at the end of the time abovenamed, he says he was still compelled to continue in the service either as a drafted soldier or a volunteer. He says he however continued to volunteer which he did in Capt. Joseph Kingcade's company of spies and rangers. He states that now hewa immediately put to building and forting against the Indians. He says he called out by his Capt. who succeeded Kingcade (he having been killed at the battle of the Blue licks) by the name of Irvin on an expedition to leestown against theIndians. And gone something like a month and returned back to the station as above named as a guard under same officer under whom he served all this campaign (Kingcade having been killed as above named). And here he says he remained as a guard& spy having ranged through the country around this fort until the end of the year in the spring of 1782.* And was regularly discharged and that in the spring of 1782 the indians still continued to ravage the country and occasionally attackour fort.* He states that there was a campaign performed during this years servfice at Dentons Station on which he went under his officer above named, this was done in 1782 in the month of march (this he had forgotten). In the spring of 1783. He states he again renewed services by volunteering under the commany of Capt. Irvin and was compelled to perform. He again volunteered in the company above named for duty to protect the women and children from the fury of the savages. Buthappy for the country the Indians had nearly all left our country. Left us to enhoy the wilderness alone. He stated that it was one continued warfare with the Indians from the time he came to the country in the spring of 1780 until the closeof the Revolutionary was in 1783. He states that putting his services together it would amount to three years guarding, spying and rangering, as we were compelled to Military service for self protection as well as the protection of our fellowcitizens.


He states as he was above trhat he was born on 23 Jan 1762. He says he has a record of his life and it makes him 72 next Jan. He states as he has above that he was living in Kentucky when he was called into the serivce at the several stationsabove named. From Jefferson and Mercer counties. He says he served as a volunteer on all the above tours of duty. He says he had opportunity to form any acquaintances with regular officers. He says he well remembers G. Roy, General; G. R.Clark, Col.; Harod, Major; Harlin, Major; Bolger, Col.; McGary, Col.; T. Bowman, Col and many others. Also Col. Boon. He states he thinks he never did receive a written discharge and so it is he has none at this time. He also says he neverdid have a commission but served the whole timee as a private soldier. He says he knows of George Havens, a clergyman, residing in this neighborhood and Sanford Allen residing in same who can testify as to his chracter for veracity and hisreputation in this neighborhood as having been a soldier of the revolutionary war. He says he has no documentary eivdence but knows of Henry Wilson and James McCulough who can prove his services as a revolutionary soldier and servied as hestates above. He hereby relinquishes any claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares his name is not on the pension rolls of the agency of any state. Sworn to and subscribed this day and year aforesaid. He says helives in Kentucky, Bourbon County. Henry Banta (seal).


We, Geore Havens, a clergyman, residing in Bourbon County, Kentucky and Sanford Allen residing in same hereby certify that we are still acquasinted wityh Henry Banty who has subscribed and sworn the above declaration that we believe him to be 72years of age that he is reported and believed the the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion. And further that he is unable to get to ______. Sworn to and subscribed to the dayand year aforesaid, George Havens (seal). Sanford Allen (seal).


And I, D. O. rickart, a judge and Justice of the county court for the county court of Bourbon county, State of Kentucky do declare my opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting tyhe interrogations prescribed by the_____department that the above named applicant was a soldier of the resolutionary war and served as he states. And I further cerfify that it appears to me that George Haven who has signed the secondary certificate is a clergy man residing inBourbon County andd Sanford Allen who has signed the same resident in same and credible person and that their statement is intended to assist. And I further certify that the above named Banty is a man of undoubted credit on oath and furtherthat he is unable to _____ owing to his great age and infirmity being much inflected with Rhumatick pain. Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of Nov 1833. D. O. rickart J.P.B.C., Commonwealth of Kentucky and County of Bourgon.


I, Thomas P. Smith, clern of the said county do certify that the above named D. O. Rickart, is magistrate of said County duly qualified and that his signature is genuine. In testimony I have hereunto set my hand annd affix th3 seal of saidCounty this 2nd day of Decr 1833 the 42nd year of the Commonwealth. Thos P. Smith, Clerk, Bourbon County Court.


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