Robert Coleman, 16801748 (aged 68 years)

Robert /Coleman/
Given names
Birth 1680 24 21
Birth of a sisterGrizzell Coleman
1683 (aged 3 years)
Birth of a sisterElizabeth Coleman
about June 1685 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a brotherEdward Coleman
about 1688 (aged 8 years)
Birth of a sisterAnn Coleman
about 1690 (aged 10 years)
Birth of a brotherSpilsbe Coleman
about 1692 (aged 12 years)
Death of a fatherRobert Coleman
before August 13, 1713 (aged 33 years)
Marriage of a parentJohn HunterAnn SpilsbeView this family
about 1715 (aged 35 years)

Death of a motherAnn Spilsbe
before August 20, 1717 (aged 37 years)
Death of a brotherSpilsbe Coleman
before September 21, 1727 (aged 47 years)
Death before May 13, 1748 (aged 68 years)
Family with parents
Birth: 1656 34 26Gloucester County, Virginia
Death: before August 13, 1713Essex, Virginia
Marriage Marriage1674Gloucester County, Virginia
6 years
elder brother
2 years
Birth: 1680 24 21New Kent County, Virginia
Death: before May 13, 1748Picadilly, Caroline County, Virginia
4 years
younger sister
Birth: 1683 27 24New Kent County, Virginia
Death: Beaufort County, North Carolina
3 years
younger sister
Birth: about June 1685 29 26New Kent County, Virginia
4 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1688 32 29Essex County, Virginia
Death: Probably Essex County, Virginia
3 years
younger sister
Birth: about 1690 34 31Essex County, Virginia
Death: before April 22, 1762Essex County, Virginia
3 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1692 36 33Essex County, Virginia
Death: before September 21, 1727Essex County, Virginia
Mother’s family with John Hunter
Marriage Marriageabout 1715
Shared note

[Sloan.ged]Robert Coleman lived first in Drysdale Parish, King & Queen Co.
which became Caroline Co. On 2 Dec 1723 (Pat. Bk. 22, p. 226)
Robert Coleman of King & Queen Co. received a patent of 1500
acres of land in Spotsylvania Co., St. George Parish, on the
south side of the middle river of the Mattaponi. On 16 Jun 1727
(Pat. Bk. 13, p. 90) he also acquired an additional 688 acres in
that same county. On 9 Aug 1745, Robert made a Deed of Gift to
son Thomas of 346 acres of these two parcels on the north side
of Robinson Run. Witnesses were Thomas James, Richard Coleman,
and Joseph Ray. Deed was recorded 1 Oct 1745, Book D, p. 238,
Spotsylvania Co.On 28 Sep 1732 (Pat. Bk. 13, p. 529) Robert was granted 400
acres in St. MargaretÕs Parish, Spotsylvania Co. On 4 May 1734
(Pat. Bk. 15, p. 209) he acquired 400 acres in St. MarkÕs Parish
in the Great Forks of Rappahannock River. On 30 Aug 1744 (Pat.
Bk. 23, p. 723) he was granted 400 acres of Spotsylvania Co.
land.After Mary died, probably ca. 1735, because she no longer
appears in land records, Robert was living in Caroline Co. in a
home he named ÒPiccadillyÓ. He gave his son Robert 440 acres in
Spotsylvania Co. in 1741 (DB C, p. 155, Spotsylvania Co.
Records). On 4 Feb 1745 he gave 316 acres to his son John (DB
D, p. 172, Spotsylvania Co. Records), part of the 1727 patent of
688 acres.Private
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