Thomas Christie, 18131898 (aged 84 years)

Thomas /Christie/
Given names
Birth July 29, 1813 20 19
Birth of a sisterAbigail Christie
1815 (aged 1 year)
Birth of a brotherGeorge Christie
1818 (aged 4 years)
Birth of a sisterSarah Christie
1820 (aged 6 years)

Birth of a brotherWesley Jr. Christie
1824 (aged 10 years)

Birth of a sisterMary Ann Christie
1829 (aged 15 years)

MarriageSatira NuttView this family
1837 (aged 23 years)
Birth of a daughterLaura Victoria Christie
July 23, 1838 (aged 24 years)
Birth of a sisterBarbary Christie
1838 (aged 24 years)

Birth of a sonThomas Christie
about 1840 (aged 26 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherAbigail Balch
1842 (aged 28 years)

Birth of a sonPerley Christie
about 1845 (aged 31 years)

Birth of a sonWilliam Wesley
about 1847 (aged 33 years)

Birth of a sonSamuel Christie
about 1849 (aged 35 years)

Marriage of a childJohn BitnerLaura Victoria ChristieView this family
May 26, 1859 (aged 45 years)
Death of a fatherWesley Balch Christie
1874 (aged 60 years)
Death of a motherSarah Weaver
1880 (aged 66 years)

Death March 17, 1898 (aged 84 years)
Family with parents
Birth: October 9, 1792 22 23Maugerville, New Brunswick
Death: 1874Atkinson, Maine
Marriage Marriage1812Blackville, New Brunswick, Canada
19 months
Birth: July 29, 1813 20 19Blackville, New Brunswick, Canada
Death: March 17, 1898Dunnstown, PA.
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
5 years
younger brother
6 years
younger sister
10 years
younger sister
Family with Satira Nutt
Birth: July 29, 1813 20 19Blackville, New Brunswick, Canada
Death: March 17, 1898Dunnstown, PA.
Birth: April 4, 1813Whitefield, Maine
Death: January 1, 1900Dunnstown, PA.
Marriage Marriage1837Harmony, Maine
19 months
3 years
6 years
3 years
3 years
Shared note

[Sloan.ged]Seventh generation
Thomas was 7 years old when his family moved to St.Albans, Maine. In 1836 he purchased land in St.Albans and married the following year. He was a lumberman, the virgin timber of that area being depleated, he sold his property to his brotherWesley and in 1850 left for Pennsylvania. The next winter he sent for his family. When they arrived in Lock Haven he was up the river scaling logs, so theystayed at a hotel for 4 days until they could rent a house. Thomas helped to build thefirst saw mill in Dunnstown and later built a house for his family.