Caleb Knapp, 16771750 (aged 72 years)

Caleb /Knapp/
Given names
Birth June 1677 42 45
Birth of a sonNathaniel Knapp
( after death)

Birth of a sonCharles Knapp
( after death)

Birth of a brotherJonathan Knapp
1679 (aged 1 year)
Death of a fatherJoshua Knapp
October 27, 1684 (aged 7 years)
Death of a motherHanna Close
1696 (aged 18 years)

MarriageSarah RundellView this family
April 1, 1697 (aged 19 years)

Birth of a sonCaleb Knapp
November 11, 1698 (aged 21 years)
Birth of a daughterAbigail Knapp
about 1712 (aged 34 years)

Birth of a sonNehemiah Knapp
October 15, 1714 (aged 37 years)

Death of a brotherBenjamin Knapp
about 1719 (aged 41 years)

Marriage of a childCaleb KnappClemens MillsView this family
about 1720 (aged 42 years)

Death of a sisterHannah B. Knapp
March 29, 1721 (aged 43 years)
Death of a brotherJoseph Knapp
about 1723 (aged 45 years)

Marriage of a childCharles KnappElizabeth WicksView this family
November 13, 1729 (aged 52 years)

Death of a sisterRuth Knapp
1736 (aged 58 years)

Death of a brotherTimothy Knapp
about 1737 (aged 59 years)

Death of a brotherJoshua Knapp
about 1750 (0 after death)

Death 1750 (aged 72 years)
Birth of a daughterSarah Knapp
June 27, 1808 (58 years after death)

Family with parents
Birth: November 5, 1634 52Watertown, Mass.
Death: October 27, 1684Stamford Conn.Or Greenfield CT
Marriage MarriageJune 9, 1657
3 years
elder sister
Birth: March 26, 1660 25 28Stanford Conn.
Death: March 29, 1721Greenwich, Conn.
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
6 years
elder brother
5 years
3 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Martha Weeks
Birth: November 5, 1634 52Watertown, Mass.
Death: October 27, 1684Stamford Conn.Or Greenfield CT
Marriage Marriage
Family with Sarah Rundell
Marriage MarriageApril 1, 1697
20 months
3 years
95 years
Shared note

[Sloan.ged]Third generation
All of Caleb's children were born at Greenwich. He made his will 6/20/1750. Probated 12/3/1750. Inventory made 11/26/1750, then called Capt. Caleb Knapp. Will mentions wife Sarah, children: Timothy,Caleb, Charles, Nehemia, Abigail, who was notyet married. Sarah and Deborah. Sons Nathaniel and Nehamia were executors. He was quite a prominent man. He was Rep. for Greenwich in Conn.. General Assembly, 5.12.1715. He was appraiser of several estates between 1752 and 1741, includingthat of Benjamin Prindle and Samuel Peck. He was on the town tax list in 1694 for 39 pounds. He was called Ensign in Aug. 1710, and Captain in 1719, at Greenwich.. He was 7 years. 4 mths. old when his father made his will.. Greenwich recordssay, " Caleb Knap maryd unto Sarah Rundle Anno 1679, April ye 1 day." He was granted a parcel of land 8/23/1700. On 11/25/1728 he deeded land to his sons, Charles and Nathaniel. 6/26/1731 he deeded land to his son Caleb. 12/12/1749 he deededland to his son Timothy.