Jan Pieterse Stryker, 16841770 (aged 86 years)

Jan Pieterse /Stryker/
Given names
Jan Pieterse
Birth August 6, 1684 30 24
Christening October 10, 1684 30 24 (aged 2 months)
MarriageMargretta SchenckView this family

Birth of a brotherBarent Stryker
September 3, 1686 (aged 2 years)
Christening of a brotherBarent Stryker
September 3, 1686 (aged 2 years)
Birth of a brotherJacob Stryker
August 4, 1688 (aged 3 years)
Christening of a brotherJacob Stryker
August 26, 1688 (aged 4 years)
Death of a sisterLammitje Stryker
July 26, 1690 (aged 5 years)
Burial of a sisterLammitje Stryker
1690 (aged 5 years)
Death of a brotherBarent Stryker
July 3, 1690 (aged 5 years)
Burial of a brotherBarent Stryker
1690 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a brotherJoosten Barent Stryker
September 14, 1690 (aged 6 years)
Birth of a brotherHendrick Stryker
December 3, 1692 (aged 8 years)
Death of a brotherHendrick Stryker
May 17, 1694 (aged 9 years)
Burial of a brotherHendrick Stryker
1694 (aged 9 years)
Birth of a sisterSeytie Stryker
December 17, 1694 (aged 10 years)
Christening of a sisterSeytie Stryker
December 17, 1694 (aged 10 years)
Birth of a brotherPieter Stryker
February 12, 1697 (aged 12 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJan Strijcker
March 3, 1697 (aged 12 years)
Burial of a paternal grandfatherJan Strijcker
March 17, 1697 (aged 12 years)
Christening of a brotherPieter Stryker
March 21, 1697 (aged 12 years)
Birth of a brotherHendrick Stryker
February 18, 1699 (aged 14 years)
Christening of a brotherHendrick Stryker
February 18, 1699 (aged 14 years)
Birth of a sisterLammetje Stryker
December 21, 1700 (aged 16 years)
Christening of a sisterLammetje Stryker
December 21, 1700 (aged 16 years)
Birth of a sonPeter Stryker
September 4, 1704 (aged 20 years)
Birth of a sonJohannes Stryker
February 12, 1707 (aged 22 years)
Birth of a daughterAnnetje Stryker
December 20, 1708 (aged 24 years)
Death of a daughterAnnetje Stryker
December 20, 1708 (aged 24 years)
Death of a brotherJacob Stryker
December 17, 1710 (aged 26 years)

Birth of a daughterMagdalena Stryker
December 19, 1710 (aged 26 years)
Birth of a daughterMargareta Stryker
March 24, 1713 (aged 28 years)
Birth of a sonAbraham Stryker
August 4, 1715 (aged 30 years)
Birth of a daughterLammetje Stryker
February 11, 1716 (aged 31 years)
Death of a motherAnnetje Joosten Barends Barents
June 11, 1717 (aged 32 years)
Burial of a motherAnnetje Joosten Barends Barents
1717 (aged 32 years)
Birth of a sonJacobus Stryker
September 29, 1718 (aged 34 years)
Birth of a daughterMargareta Stryker
December 11, 1719 (aged 35 years)
Death of a wifeMargretta Schenck
August 1721 (aged 36 years)
Marriage of a childPeter StrykerAntje PerrineView this family
1724 (aged 39 years)
Death of a brotherHendrick Stryker
August 9, 1739 (aged 55 years)
Burial of a brotherHendrick Stryker
1739 (aged 54 years)
Death of a fatherPeter Stryker
June 11, 1741 (aged 56 years)
Burial of a fatherPeter Stryker
1741 (aged 56 years)
Death of a brotherJoosten Barent Stryker
October 27, 1746 (aged 62 years)
Burial of a brotherJoosten Barent Stryker
1746 (aged 61 years)
Death of a sisterLammetje Stryker
September 14, 1763 (aged 79 years)
Burial of a sisterLammetje Stryker
1763 (aged 78 years)
Death August 18, 1770 (aged 86 years)
Burial 1770 (0 after death)
Family with parents
Birth: November 1, 1653 38 37Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: June 11, 1741Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Birth: November 2, 1659Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: June 11, 1717Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Marriage MarriageMay 29, 1681Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
3 years
Birth: August 6, 1684 30 24Flatbush, Kings, New York
Death: August 18, 1770Flatbush, Kings, New York
-2 years
elder sister
Birth: March 26, 1682 28 22Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: April 9, 1682Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
11 months
elder sister
Birth: February 16, 1683 29 23Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: July 26, 1690Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
4 years
younger brother
Birth: September 3, 1686 32 26Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: July 3, 1690Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
23 months
younger brother
Birth: August 4, 1688 34 28Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: December 17, 1710
2 years
younger brother
Birth: September 14, 1690 36 30Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: October 27, 1746Three-Mile Run, Somerset, New Jersey
2 years
younger brother
Birth: December 3, 1692 39 33Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: May 17, 1694Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
2 years
younger sister
Birth: December 17, 1694 41 35Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
2 years
younger brother
Birth: February 12, 1697 43 37Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: December 24, 1776Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
2 years
younger brother
Birth: February 18, 1699 45 39Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: August 9, 1739Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
22 months
younger sister
Birth: December 21, 1700 47 41Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: September 14, 1763Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Family with Margretta Schenck
Birth: August 6, 1684 30 24Flatbush, Kings, New York
Death: August 18, 1770Flatbush, Kings, New York
Birth: June 12, 1687Kingston, Ulster, New York
Death: August 1721Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Marriage Marriage
Birth: September 4, 1704 20 17Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: December 18, 1774Millstone Drc., Millstone, Somerset, New Jersey
3 years
Birth: February 12, 1707 22 19Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: 1785Somerset, New Jersey
23 months
Birth: December 20, 1708 24 21Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: December 20, 1708Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
2 years
Birth: December 19, 1710 26 23Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
2 years
Birth: March 24, 1713 28 25Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
2 years
Birth: August 4, 1715 30 28Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: April 4, 1777Rockyhill, Somerset, New Jersey
6 months
Birth: February 11, 1716 31 28Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
3 years
Birth: September 29, 1718 34 31Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
Death: 1789Alexandria, Hunterdon, New Jersey
15 months
Birth: December 11, 1719 35 32Flatbush, Kings, Long Island, New York
