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Third generation All of Caleb's children were born at Greenwich. He made his will 6/20/1750. Probated 12/3/1750. Inventory made 11/26/1750, then called Capt. Caleb Knapp. Will mentions wife Sarah, children: Timothy,Caleb, Charles, Nehemia, Abigail, who was notyet married. Sarah and Deborah. Sons Nathaniel and Nehamia were executors. He was quite a prominent man. He was Rep. for Greenwich in Conn.. General Assembly, 5.12.1715. He was appraiser of several estates between 1752 and 1741, includingthat of Benjamin Prindle and Samuel Peck. He was on the town tax list in 1694 for 39 pounds. He was called Ensign in Aug. 1710, and Captain in 1719, at Greenwich.. He was 7 years. 4 mths. old when his father made his will.. Greenwich recordssay, " Caleb Knap maryd unto Sarah Rundle Anno 1679, April ye 1 day." He was granted a parcel of land 8/23/1700. On 11/25/1728 he deeded land to his sons, Charles and Nathaniel. 6/26/1731 he deeded land to his son Caleb. 12/12/1749 he deededland to his son Timothy.

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Caleb Knapp
June 1677
347 Greenwich, Conn.
6 1750
275 72 Greenwich, Conn.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 2:25 PM
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
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