Sven Akeson Peterson, 18371926 (aged 89 years)

Sven Akeson /Peterson/
Given names
Sven Akeson
Birth May 5, 1837 29 23
Death of a motherX Gunilla
1851 (aged 13 years)

MarriageEmma Christine RunbeckView this family
August 26, 1866 (aged 29 years)
Birth of a daughterNellie Olivia Peterson
July 15, 1867 (aged 30 years)

Birth of a daughterEdah Rosalia Peterson
November 26, 1869 (aged 32 years)

Death of a fatherPer Akeson
1869 (aged 31 years)
Birth of a sonAlfred Erastus Peterson
May 14, 1872 (aged 35 years)

Death of a daughterNellie Olivia Peterson
March 24, 1873 (aged 35 years)

Death of a sonAlfred Erastus Peterson
April 7, 1873 (aged 35 years)

Birth of a daughterElla Alfreda Peterson
April 9, 1874 (aged 36 years)

Birth of a daughterEster Lorinda Peterson
July 13, 1876 (aged 39 years)

Birth of a sonEdwin Petrus Peterson
April 17, 1878 (aged 40 years)

Birth of a sonAlfred Leonard Peterson
July 8, 1880 (aged 43 years)

Birth of a sonElmer Theodore Peterson
July 23, 1884 (aged 47 years)

Birth of a sonRoscoe Ernst Peterson
August 20, 1887 (aged 50 years)

Marriage of a childPeter LarsonEdah Rosalia PetersonView this family
October 5, 1888 (aged 51 years)
Birth of a sonClarence Runbeck Peterson
May 2, 1891 (aged 53 years)

Birth of a sonRalph Gotfred Peterson
May 2, 1891 (aged 53 years)

Marriage of a childEdwin Petrus PetersonBessie IshamView this family
June 25, 1907 (aged 70 years)
Marriage of a childElmer Theodore PetersonOra WebsterView this family
July 11, 1907 (aged 70 years)
Marriage of a childHerman LindElla Alfreda PetersonView this family
October 7, 1907 (aged 70 years)
Marriage of a childAlfred Leonard PetersonEsther WiltonView this family
June 16, 1908 (aged 71 years)
Death of a sonEdwin Petrus Peterson
May 8, 1911 (aged 74 years)

Marriage of a childRoscoe Ernst PetersonAgnes EckbladView this family
July 11, 1913 (aged 76 years)

Marriage of a childClarence Runbeck PetersonLenora AbercrombeView this family
November 23, 1917 (aged 80 years)
Marriage of a childRalph Gotfred PetersonEthel DavidsonView this family
June 12, 1922 (aged 85 years)
Death October 2, 1926 (aged 89 years)
Family with parents
Marriage Marriage
elder brother
3 years
Family with Emma Christine Runbeck
Marriage MarriageAugust 26, 1866Knoxville, IL
11 months
2 years
3 years
23 months
2 years
21 months
2 years
4 years
3 years
4 years
Shared note

[Sloan.ged]Sven and his brothers attended the parish school, were confirmed and lead an uneventful life as farmer's children. One event, however, was a highlight in th elives of the children, the building of anew home.. It was a large and substantialhouse, and still stands as was built about 80 years ago (1925) . Jon was old enough to help with the buiding, and the younger Sven also helped fetching and carrying, running errands for the builders.
In 1854 Jon and Sven decided to emigrate to America, It took them three months to make the trip in a sailing vessel. They traveled steerage. Cholera broke out and it was a miserable time indeed---unsanitary conditions, terrible sea-sickness,all kinds of inconveniences. One thing the boy never forgot. He was terribly sea-sick. IIn abject misery he lay down on some coils of rope. The captaincame along and gave him a kick, telling him to move out of the wasy or he would throw himoverboard. Sven did not budge. He was too ill to care what the captain did and would hot have objected had the captain carried out his threat. But at last the journey ended.
Sven and Jon went to Galesburg, Il. . They debated over taking their Father's name, Per or Peter, calling themselves "Peterson", or to possibly take the name "Julian" from their native village. So as to distinguish from other Jon and SvenPetersons they both used the middle initial "P." In Galesburg they found work and learned the language and Sven went to schookl and became an avid reader.
In 1858 Sven went to California going by rail to Boston, Steamer to Panama, Crossed the Isthmus of Panama, then by steamer to /SanFrancisco. His brother joining him in 1859, going over-land by ox team. They worked in Gold mines.
In 1864 Sven returned to Galesburg, found work. Joined the Good Templers and went whole heartedly into the work of prohibition. It was in the lodge and Church that Sven and Emma met.