Elinor Fredricka Lind, 1908–
- Name
- Elinor Fredricka /Lind/
- Given names
- Elinor Fredricka
- Surname
- Lind
- Married name
- Elinor Fredricka /Gahnstrom/
Birth | July 13, 1908
34 |
Birth of a brother | Howard Herman Lind November 2, 1914 (aged 6 years) |
Death of a brother | Howard Herman Lind June 17, 1915 (aged 6 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Sven Akeson Peterson October 2, 1926 (aged 18 years) |
Marriage | Leroy Gahnstrom — View this family July 5, 1939 (aged 30 years) |
Death of a father | Herman Lind October 15, 1943 (aged 35 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Emma Christine Runbeck October 3, 1948 (aged 40 years) |
Death of a mother | Ella Alfreda Peterson September 22, 1959 (aged 51 years) |
Death of a husband | Leroy Gahnstrom February 17, 1969 (aged 60 years) |
Death | Yes |
father | |
mother | |
Marriage | Marriage — October 7, 1907 — Lindsborg Ka |
9 months
herself |
6 years
younger brother |
husband | |
herself | |
Marriage | Marriage — July 5, 1939 — |
daughter | |
son |