John Sloan, 17151763 (aged 48 years)

John /Sloan/
Given names
Birth before 1715 18 18
Immigration 1718 (aged 3 years)

Birth of a sonAlexander Sloan
( after death)
Birth of a brotherSamuel Sloan
about 1718 (aged 3 years)
Birth of a brotherArchibald Sloan
about 1719 (aged 4 years)
Birth of a brotherJames Sloan
about 1720 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a sisterElizabeth Sloan
before 1731 (aged 16 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam Sloan
about 1734 (aged 19 years)
MarriageJane View this family
before 1735 (aged 20 years)

Birth of a sisterMary Sloan
about 1736 (aged 21 years)
Birth of a daughterMargaret Sloan
before 1741 (aged 26 years)
Birth of a daughterMary Sloan
about 1746 (aged 31 years)
Birth of a sonArchibald Sloan
before 1747 (aged 32 years)
Marriage of a childArchibald SloanMargaret SloanView this family
January 4, 1759 (10 years after death)
Marriage of a childArchibald SloanElizabeth CarsonView this family
before 1761 (12 years after death)
Birth of a daughterElizabeth Sloan
before 1763 (14 years after death)
Death between 1749 and 1763 (aged 48 years)
Family with parents
Birth: before 1697Probably County Antrim, Ireland
Death: before March 1764Lancaster County, PA, USA
Birth: about 1697Pennsylvania, USA
Death: about 1784Pennsylvania, USA;
Marriage Marriage1714Pennsylvania, USA
6 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1719 22 22Lancaster County PA.
Death: about 1788Rowan County, North Carolina, USA
younger sister
Birth: about 1736 39 39Lancaster County, PA, British North America
Death: after August 22, 1771Lancaster County, PA, British North America
-11 months
younger brother
Birth: about 1734 37 37Lancaster County, PA, British North America
Death: after August 22, 1771Lancaster County, PA, British North America
-18 years
Birth: before 1715 18 18Co. Antrim, Ireland
Death: between 1749 and 1763Hanover Twp, Lancaster County PA, USA
4 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1718 21 21Ireland, Scotland, England Or Lancaster County PA
Death: October 1771Lancaster County PA
3 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1720 23 23Ireland, Scotland, England Or Lancaster County PA
Death: December 25, 1775Hanover Twp, Lancaster County PA
12 years
younger sister
Birth: before 1731 34 34Lancaster, Lancaster, PA, USA
Death: Dauphin, PA
Family with Jane
Birth: before 1715 18 18Co. Antrim, Ireland
Death: between 1749 and 1763Hanover Twp, Lancaster County PA, USA
Marriage Marriagebefore 1735
Birth: Hanover Twp, Lancaster County PA
Death: June 18, 1812Hanover Twp, Dauphin County PA
Birth: before 1741 26Lancaster County ? PA
Death: Derry Twp, Lancaster County PA
6 years
Birth: about 1746 31Lancaster County, PA, British North America
Death: York County, PA, USA
2 years
Birth: before 1747 32Susquehanna, Susquehanna, PA
Death: about 1800Nine Mile Creek, Blount County, Tennessee, USA
17 years
Birth: before 1763 48Lancaster County ? PA
Death: Lancaster County ? PA
Shared note

[Sloan.ged]NOTE: prior to 1749 Lancaster Co. Pa occupied 1/2 the state. 17 Twp were established in 1729. All of Paxton Twp and part of Derry Twp became Dauphin Co. in 1785. Lebanon Co. was composed of Lebanon Twp and the rest of Derry Twp. in 1813. DonegalTwp remained part of Lancaster Co. Swatara Ck is in Dauphin Co. vic. of Derry to S. Hanover Twp.
Robert Sloan bio sketch says: (name unknown) Imigrated about 1718 from Antrim Co. Ireland & settled in Lebanon Co. Pa. Only 2 sons known, one went to the Great West & never heard of again." Family listed as living in Lebanon Co. however, Lebanonpart of Dauphin until after 1813.
1749, 28 Apr: Deed book H mentions 28 Apr 1749 grant of 100 acres to Jane Sloan, widow of John Sloan late of Donegal Twp. Mentions Jane's 5 children: Alexander, Archibald, Mary , Margaret and Elizabeth. Warrent was issued 31 May 1763 to resurveythe land. After the 19 Mar 1764 resurvey/patent, it was found that the land was actually in Derry Twp [later Londonderry] On 11 May 1764, Jane and family [including Margaret's husband Archibald Sloan] sell the 100 acres of land to William SawyerSr. On 26 Oct 1773 William Sr. sells to William Sawyer Jr.
It appears that the 19 Mar 1764 patent also contains 31 acres belonging to Alexander and Archibald both of Hanover Twp which they sold to Wm Sawyer on 11 May 1764. Wm Sawyer Jr. & wife Mary sell all 131 acres to Peter Jontz on 3 Apr 1792.
{recheck - Was land granted to John in 1749 or was Jane a widow then?}
1751-59: Hanover Twp Tax list.
1771: Mentioned in brother Samuel's will.Sources:
1. "Engle's Notes & Queries" Vol. 3 1896
2. Samuel Sloan's will: Lancaster Co. PA. Will Book B vol. 1, pg 743, 22 Aug 1771
3. Dauphin Co. Deed Book H, pg148, 3 Apr 1792
4. "History of Montgomery Co. OH." pg.332 biographical sketch of Robert Sloan. [son Alexander and mystery brother]